Monday, 11 August 2008

I guess I am a rather poor blogger. Or rather we lead a very quiet life.

This week however we had busy time and the shops were all within a short distance of each other. Margaret had her hair permed here in the morming.

In the afternoon she was back just across the road having an eye test. Fortunately all she needs is a stronger prescription .

Whilst she was having that done I was window shopping next door at the ironmongers.

I was intersted an a portable hedge trimmer. The battery is in the handle so quite light, and it has an extendable reach which I thought might be a help with out rather tall hedge.

I came back the next day and bought one. It works really well.

And that is all for today or perhaps a few days as the finances have shrunk !


Rhona said...

Yay! You're back again. Don't know that we actually need a hedge trimmer but that one looks quite nifty.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I missed this one. Haven't looked at your Blog for e few days because every time I did there was nothing on...!!! Glad to see you back. LOL Norma xxx